Monday, 13 January 2025

Birmingham Design

In 2024 I was very lucky to take part part in three Birmingham Design events. First I ran my CMY screen print workshop at Birmingham Design Festival in June, then I was also invited to exhibit at the Birmingham Design Makers' Markets in July and November. Thanks so much to the Birmingham Design for including me, thanks also to the Birmingham Design team and photographer Angela Grabowska for these lovely colourful photographs of my work at November's market!
You can find more information about Birmingham Design and the events they run on their website

Canns Down Press Angel Garlands

At the start of 2024 I was busy screen printing my angel design in as many different colour combinations as I could. There were green, blue, purple and burgundy angels as well as pink, orange and turquoise angels! I love printing colourful angels so it was a great project to work on. From about ten different variations Canns Down Press then chose six different coloured angels which they published as angel garlands in August 2024. It was exciting to see the finished garlands at last and I enjoyed selling them at events in the run up to Christmas.
The angel garlands are printed on both sides in lovely sparkly metallic inks on 400gsm kraft recycled card. They come with silver thread and the angels have little holes so they are ready to thread and hang up. Angel garlands are still available to buy from Canns Down Press along with angel cards and sunflower cards